23rd St Signature Gin 700ml
23rd St Signature Gin 700ml
Twenty Third Street Distillery Signature Gin, 700ml 40% Alc.
You’re trying to be nonchalant with your sophisticated botanical gin but all the while tiny explosions of Riverland sunshine tickle your palate. Its the underlying citrus from fresh local mandarin and lime that makes Twenty Third Street Distillery gin a particularly jovial drop.
Flavour: Aromas are led by juniper, Riverland mandarin and coriander, with hints of spices. On the palate, juniper is closely followed by a mandarin middle and fresh lime on the back palate. Spices support with softness and complexity. Enjoy neat, as the star of a cocktail or mixed with tonic or soda and garnished with citrus.
Awards: Double Gold, San Francisco World Spirits Competition 2017 Silver Outstanding Medal, International Wine & Spirit Competition 2017 Silver Medal, New York International Spirits Competition 2017 Silver Medal, Australian Distilled Awards 2017